Running Your Own Pub

Although still only representing a small proportion of overall pub trade, sales of pub accommodation have grown higher than for food and drink in recent years. Running your own pub will undoubtedly involve more work, and there are many elements to take into consideration. Whether you’re a seasoned hospitality professional or running a pub for the first time, setting up and managing such an establishment requires careful planning and execution. In this guide, we’ll explore top tips and strategies to help you succeed.

Conduct Market Research

Before diving into the world of pub ownership, it’s essential to conduct thorough market research. Understand the demand for pubs with accommodation in your area and identify your target audience.

Create a Business Plan

Running your own pub can take a lot of planning, so it is imperative you seek both professional and financial advice when crafting your business plan. A well-thought-out business plan is crucial for the success of any venture. Outline your goals, target market, financial projections, and marketing strategies.

Invest in Quality

To attract and retain customers, it’s essential to invest in quality across all aspects of your pub and accommodation. From the food and drinks served in the pub to the amenities provided in the rooms, prioritise excellence.

Focus on Customer Experience

Providing exceptional customer service is key to running a successful pub with accommodation. Train your staff to be friendly, attentive, and knowledgeable, ensuring guests have a memorable experience.

Utilise Digital Marketing

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is essential for attracting customers. Utilise search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and online advertising to promote your pub and accommodation. Search phrases: “pub marketing ideas,” “SEO for hospitality businesses.”

Offer Unique Experiences

Differentiate your pub with accommodation by offering unique experiences that appeal to your target market. Whether it’s themed events, live entertainment, or guided tours, find ways to stand out from the competition.

Accessible Amenities

Whilst it may not always be possible to incorporate accessible facilities in a centuries old pub, ensuring that your pub is accessible to all patrons, including those with disabilities, is not only a legal requirement in many places but also a moral imperative. According to the Morning Advertiser, making your pub accessibility friendly can give bars and pubs a huge competitive edge.

  • Entrance & Exits

Ensure that there are no steps or obstacles at the entrance of your pub. Install ramps with gradual slopes to facilitate easy access for wheelchair users. Additionally, make sure that doors are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs.

  • Interior Layout

Design your pub’s interior layout with accessibility in mind. Keep pathways clear and wide enough for wheelchair users to navigate comfortably between tables, the bar area, and other facilities. Remove any unnecessary clutter or furniture that may obstruct movement.

  • Accessible Facilities

Make sure that your pub’s facilities, including restrooms, are wheelchair accessible. This includes providing wide doorways, grab bars, and accessible sinks and toilets. Ensure that there is sufficient space within the restroom for wheelchair users to maneuver.

  • Seating Arrangements

Offer a variety of seating options that cater to wheelchair users, including tables with removable chairs to accommodate wheelchairs. Designate specific areas within the pub that are easily accessible for customers with mobility impairments.

  • Bar Accessibility

Ensure that your bar area is accessible to wheelchair users. This may involve installing a lower section of the bar or providing a designated accessible service point where customers can place orders and interact with staff.

Manage Finances Wisely

Effective financial management is critical for the long-term success of your pub. Keep track of expenses, monitor cash flow, and regularly review your budget to ensure profitability.

Maintain Hygiene Standards

Cleanliness and hygiene are non-negotiables in the hospitality industry. Implement rigorous cleaning protocols, conduct regular inspections, and ensure compliance with health and safety regulations.

Build Relationships with Suppliers

Establishing strong relationships with suppliers can help ensure timely deliveries and competitive pricing for your pub’s ingredients and supplies.
In the hospitality industry, connections and reputations spread quickly, making maintaining a stellar reputation imperative for success in operating a pub business.

Seek Feedback and Adapt

Continuously seek feedback from customers and be willing to adapt and evolve based on their suggestions. Monitor online reviews and engage with customers to demonstrate your commitment to their satisfaction.

If you have recently set up your own pub with accommodation and would like to find out more information about how you can be listed on Stay in a Pub, click here. Alternatively, for more information on how to set up your own pub business, The British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) have an interesting article on the Top 5 Essential Steps for getting the best start on your pub journey.



Written by Melanie Phipps

PR & Marketing Manager