Cask Marque

Cask Marque was formed in 1998 to address the void in beer quality control, caused partly by the 1990 beer orders which forced breweries to sell their pubs or vice versa, and thus often their interest in the quality itself, resulting in a major concern for the industry.

It was set up by four breweries to drive up industry standards: AdnamsGreene KingMarston’s and Morlands, each providing Board members and guidance, as well as Paul Nunny, former Sales & Marketing Director at Adnams and Rupert Thompson who at the time was owner of Refresh UK.

Having reached its 25th anniversary, Cask Marque remains a non-profit making organisation with a Board made up of representatives from large and small breweries, pub companies and trade bodies, all engaged in continuing to drive beer quality through accreditation and training.