How do I make a booking?
The check availability and book now button on each listing will take you to the pub’s own website or a booking platform where you will be able to check availability and book.

The search criteria is not working?
If you enter the town or postcode you are visiting, the pubs nearest this location will appear first. If you enter the county or national park you are visiting, the pubs we work closely with and recommend appear first.

I’m having difficulty making a booking or finding a pub, what can I do?
Please contact the office during working hours, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm at [email protected] .and we will endeavour to help.

How do you use our contact information?
Stay in a Pub will only forward your contact details to a pub/s that you have enquired to stay at and we never store any of your personal information. We may contact you using your email address and send you newsletters which can you opt out of. Please see our Cookies Policy for more information.

We have children; are extra beds/cots available?
Most pubs accommodate young children, however each pub is different. We suggest you have a look at their listing page or contact the pub directly.

Do you check the standards of the pubs?
No – Each pub will have their own ratings and awards.

I want to make a cancellation, how do I do this?
If you would like to cancel your booking please contact the pub directly.

How can I offer feedback about this website?
Please email us at [email protected]

How can I complain about the pub I stayed in?
Please contact the pub directly with any issues you may have experienced.

How do I get more information about listing my pub on this website?
Please contact Stay in a Pub at [email protected]

What are the costs involved?
We have two different options – one is an annual subscription with many benefits including social media support, a link directly to your website to drive DIRECT BOOKINGS and a monthly consumer stats report. The other is a commission based listing linked to a booking platform.